Hands of Light Virtual Class via Zoom
Date: 26-27 April 2023
Time: Wednesday : 10:00am - 14:00pm CEST (UTC+1)
Thursday : 10:00am - 13:30pm CEST (UTC+1)
Learn about and experience Energy Healing with current BBSH-UK Teachers. We all have far more inner healing power than we realize. Come learn how to awaken that inner potential! This workshop is suitable for both beginners and experienced healers and offers a unique opportunity to learn about healing based on Barbara Brennan's best-selling book Hands of Light.
This class is designed to introduce you, as the evolving co-creator of your life, to the world of energy and consciousness. We will do this by exploring Barbara’s model of the 4 Dimensions of Human Kind, the Human Energy Field and High Sense Perception as taught at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing.
There will be 4 lectures with time for questions:
The Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Energy Field
Steps in Healing
The Nature of High Sense Perception (the ability to perceive beyond the normal range of senses).
Contraction: Self-care after the workshop
Experientials: Interwoven during our time together is the opportunity to explore and practice:
Connecting with the Core Star Dimension and your “Core Star Qualities”
Aligning your intention to be here/the Hara Dimension, “Tan Tien Ground”
Exploring your Human Energy Field by assessing your chakras and levels of the Field
Color-breathing exercise
Self-healing: Clearing clouds from the 2nd level of your field
Exchanging healings through a simple healing technique, “Being Love and Sending Love”
Practice High Sense Perception exercises
For More Information Please visit :